R&D Services
Promeridian is your partner in drug formulation and reformulation for all forms of drugs (Chemicals and biosimilars), prospecting for acquisition of drug files and technology transfer. Our expertise and capabilities are centered around the development of value-added generic drugs, and complex formulations to ensure our customers the best of technology and profitability.
Analytical Development and Validation
Analytical method development, validation, and transfer are key elements of any pharmaceutical development program. A well-developed analytical method can contribute to the overall developmental time and cost efficiency of a program is undervalued. We have experience developing, validating, and transferring analytical methodologies. Our science development team can develop precision methods for low Limit of Qualification (LOQ) levels and is supported by our in-house scientific experts to help interpret your test data and mitigate potential issues, including analyzing deviations.
Process Optimization
Well established and optimized processes are crucial for offering uninterrupted market supply. The Promeridian experts offer a continuous optimization of all processes by combining innovative and well-established technologies with intelligent solutions. All our experts are here to assist you to prevent downtime, increase production yields, and reduce defects to eliminate costs and achieve your goals.